The Second Sunday of Lent
8 am Holy Communion (BCP)
10 am Holy Communion (Common Worship)
Hymns: 379, Lord of the church – song no.1 on songsheet, 741
congregation communion Bless the Lord, O my soul – no.2 on song-sheet, last hymn 314
Crèche available during the 10am service for children aged four and under and also parents with babies. There are also some bags (containing books and materials for colouring) at the back of church to occupy children who wish to stay in church. Due to the risk of trip hazards, it would be appreciated if parents/guardians would please supervise their children whilst in the crèche and tidy up upon leaving.
Weekly giving Last week our offertory collection was £894.65 (standing orders £772, stewardship envelopes £20, gift aid envelopes £10, plate £92.65). Thank you for your gifts. Our target each week just to meet our Parish Share (without any other expenses) is £1423.
If you have already signed up to our Parish Giving Scheme, thank you. If you would like to give in this way please collect a form at the back of Church.
Prayer list: The names of those who are ill or in need of prayer will remain on the prayer list for three weeks. However, we realise that some people may need to be on for longer and, if this is the case, please speak with Carol Sharman who will be happy to arrange this.
Bishop’s Bible Day on Saturday, 14th March, 9.30am–4 pm, at Northampton High School. The theme for this is The Bible and Prayer. If you are interested, further details and sign up forms are available at the back of church
Next Credo event: Men’s curry and quiz night, Thursday, 19th March, 7pm, in the church. £5 entry, which includes a range of curries, chips and your first pint free. Non-alcoholic drinks available as well. For more information or to book your place contact: Tony Armstrong on 726833
Lent Appeal: Please place donations for homeless/men in need in the crate at the back of church. Items such as toiletries, towels, bedding and clothing will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks the Outreach Team.
This Week
Morning Prayer is said in church on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 9 am and 8.30 am on Friday
Monday – 6.30 pm Choir practice
Tuesday – 10.30 pm SMUFs at the Guiding Centre
Wednesday – Wednesday – 9.30 am Holy Communion (followed by light refreshments)
Thursday – 11 am Visiting bell ringers, 7.30 pm Bell ringers practice
Sunday, 15th March 2020, The Third Sunday of Lent
8 am Holy Communion (BCP)
10 am Holy Communion (Common Worship)