Mothering Sunday (The Fourth Sunday of Lent)
The church will be open 8 am to 6 pm Monday-Friday and 10 am to 4 pm Saturday and Sunday, and you are all welcome to call in between these times for private prayer.
Daily Prayers
Week commencing 22 March 2020
Daily psalms
Sunday, 22nd March – Psalm 19
Monday, 23rd March – Psalm 70
Tuesday, 24th March – Psalm 79
Wednesday, 25th March – Psalm 111
Thursday, 26th March – Psalm 86
Friday, 27th March – Psalm 102
Saturday, 28th March – Psalm 32
Dear Friends
For some, these next few weeks and months may be a chance to attack that long list of tasks we have never found the time for, tidying the garden, finishing that book, phoning old friends or watching those TV shows we’ve always meant to see. But for many in our community this will not be an extended Easter Holiday. Fears about rent, food and of course health could make each day seem like an eternity. If you can help and support those around you, please do. Although we must physically be alone, we hope that will not stop us sharing God’s love in the community.
Now normal society has been shut down, where do we look to for stability? Although our physical meetings have been stopped, we are comforted that there is nothing that separates us from meeting with God. Even in the darkest of times, Christians have discovered the unshakable bond that can never be removed and it is in those times of separation from others that we discover the true power of prayer.
75 years ago, before the battle of Dunkirk, King George declared a National Day of Prayer and the country overwhelmingly responded. From that day three miracles took place. Historians still are confused as to why Hitler changed his mind and decided not
to push his armies forward. Secondly, a great fog appeared over the German airbases, grounding them. Thirdly, a great calm came over the English Channel and allowed many more boats to cross, allowing even more to men to be rescued. Three miracles all from a nation in prayer.
This Sunday, 22nd March, the Church of England has invited us to join in another National Day of Prayer, to pray for those who are sick, those who care for the sick and our leaders. Specifically, at 7 pm we are invited to light a candle in our window and join with others to pray for divine help in this fearful time. Those who are not keen on a lit candle can use a battery operated one. Once the prayer has been said the candle to be extinguished
We encourage you and those you live with to join us in praying for God to heal this land.
Jez & Tom
Weekly prayer
Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy in this time of
uncertainty and distress. Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, and
lift up all who are brought low; that we may rejoice in your comfort knowing
that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.