There are a number of memorials on the walls and floor of the church.  An early brass near to the rood screen has been covered by the dais but is still accessible to anyone wishing to view it. This brass commemorates the Boyvill family. The original stone contained brasses of a man and his wife with eighteen children, nine sons and nine daughters.

There were also shields at the comers and inscriptions. Of the original brasses only nine daughters and one shield remain. The memorial is thought to be to Richard Boyvill and Gresyll his wife who died early in the 16th century.  There is a memorial to the same family at Isham church. On the south wall is a fine brass enclosed in a stone monument.

This monument is designed with three pyramids at the top supported by two pillars. It is to Margaret Bacon a 17th century Lady of the Manor who died in 1626.  She is depicted wearing a mantle. Her baby lies at her feet in swaddling clothes. This monument was formerly in the tower and was moved to its present position in 1972 at a cost of £200.A black tablet bearing a cherub’s head is to John Payne of Burton Hall farm “who after suffering long with patience the torture of the stones” died in 1765 at the age of 33 years.  In the chancel is a plaque commemorating the death of Canon Edward Pitt who was rector of the church from 1973 to 1982. There are other monuments to former rectors, Thomas Montagu and Samuel Barwick.  Thomas Montagu was a grandson of the Earl of Manchester (a cadet branch of the Montagus of Boughton) and was rector for 42 years from 1676 until his death in 1718 aged 68.  Samuel Barwick was rector for 51 years from 1758 to 1809.  It is recorded that Dr. Robert Sybthorpe was buried in the chancel although no inscription survives. He became rector in 1629 and being a fervent Royalist was appointed chaplain to King Charles I. Cromwell’s troopers attacked the rectory and stole his possessions.

He was ejected from the Living in 1644 but was reinstated in 1660 and died in 1662. Another monument commemorates the infant sons of the Revd. Barclay Bevan (1844). Just inside the chancel is a small portion of brass, considerably worn, which may be part of the memorial to Edmund Bacon of Burton Latimer Hall who died in 1626 aged 80 years. Tombstones of other members of the Bacon family, former Lords of the Manor, with dates 1642 and 1782 also form part of the chancel floor. The 19th century members of the Harpur family, Lords of the Manor, are recorded on a marble tablet. The first name on the framed list of rectors of this parish is Simon de Moel in 1236, this suggests that there is no record of incumbents for the first one hundred years of the church’s history!

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